Episode 490… only 10 more until the big 500.  In this episode Thom Singer talks about how to challenge yourself to think big.  He as interviewed today on the “Extra Mile” podcast (where he had to go running with the host while being interviewed).  Along the way, he was challenged to think bigger. While he did not have an answer on the spot (he was out of breath), the thought stuck with him all day…. like a angel or devil on his shoulder.
Charity Miles founder, Gene Gurkoff, asked Thom why not think bigger.  This is a question that lingered.  Why not.  How can we all think bigger. What are we doing in our careers to challenge ourselves to go all the way?
Thom has no answers in this podcast, but he does have questions for the listeners. He challenges the listeners to share what they do to go bigger.  If they do not know the answer, he invited them to have a conversation with him (maybe he and a listener can see blind-spots for each other?).
Thom will be inviting Gene Gurkoff from Charity Miles to be on the podcast very soon, as he really likes the cause and how Gene is growing his mission.

Check out this episode!