How to stay focused at work - Thom Singer

How To Stay Focused At Work – this is a topic that many people face of a daily basis. It is so easy to get distracted.

Do you struggle with distractions throughout your day? Ever get to 6:00 PM and realize you have been busy, but have little results to show for your efforts? Thom Singer understands. He is not one who naturally stays on task. He often finds himself chasing activities down the rabbit hole.

In episode 468 Thom shares how after a week of being off task, how the course corrected and go things done by doing simple things that made him choose the right tasks.

He has seven tips:

1. Know your long term goals
2. Prioritize your tasks. Make sure you do the important ones.
3. Pay attention to health: exercise, eat right, hydrate
4. Check your emails once an hour or less
5. Make a daily to-do list from your longer list of priorities
6 Stay off social media.
7. Don’t let jerks, office gossip, or what others think about you keep you from doing your work

Take a listen to this episode and see if it helps you get things done.

Check out this episode!