Law Firm Training

There is a performance gap that exists inside many law firms.  Law firm training programs often miss the mark, but I brings something different. The Performance Gap is real in all industries, but working with attorneys is one of my favorite things.  This gap is not true for every lawyer, but there are far too many who sit in their office will a lot of potential and no results.  Growing a career as a lawyer inside a law firm is not easy, but it should not be a daunting effort.

Too many lawyers can’t figure out how to get their career to the levels that they desire. This happens the most often with mid-range associates who are striving to figure out how to make partner.  Some get stuck and feel the pressure to produce a book of business or get out of the firm. When I hear from a lawyer who is caught in this position I feel the desperation.  They want to perform, but nobody really ever showed them the way. Law firm training usually falls short of helping.

Law schools do a very bad job of preparing lawyers to build a sustainable career.  The ones I have seen who thrive have to not only have legal skills, but superior people skills too.  They do not fall prey to thinking doing good work is enough to get them to the top.  These top lawyers know the difference between potential and performance.

Feeling lost in a career they do not recognize is common for to young partners, too.  The law firm training they had along the way did not prepare them for the new role.  They suddenly are being expected to go out and develop business. and those who made them partner are looking at them with questioning eyes.  .

There is a performance gap in the legal practice and it has been there for a long, long time. Many years ago I was the director of marketing and business development for two AM LAW 100 firms and what I witness then is still very true today. You have some extravagantly smart people who are phenomenal at the practice of law….But when it comes to growing a practice and expanding their business they have no idea what to do.  They want to contribute to their bottom line.  Yet they are not sure where to start.

And here’s the biggest problem: It’s not the same for any two people, even if they work in the same law firm and in the same practice area. The “Paradox of Potential” strikes people at all levels and the performance gap swallows up many talented people. What holds Becky back might be very different than what is keeping Tim from reaching his best productivity.

I have found that that smart and successful lawyers reverse engineer the steps and are looking ahead. What does success even look like? What are results?  If there is no clear answer to these questions the lawyer (and the firm) could be doomed. If you are seeking law firm training programs, we have to talk today.

And then figure out, through a series of investigations, where you are now, and how you can navigate away across that gap.

The performance gap is a huge issue inside law firms, but that’s what I love to do. I am absolutely thrilled when I get the opportunity to come and speak at a retreat or an associate training or firm wide meeting/  To work with people on figuring out for each person and for each practice area, what is keeping them from contributing.  This is exciting because it brings results.

Do you ever performance gap? Let’s talk.


Thom Singer is the best choice for a law firm training meeting.  Why bring in another economist to tell you things that your people know from reading the Wall Street Journal?  The best law firm meetings make people think.  Creating a conversation and making lawyers think differently is how you change the future.  If you have read this far, and you still thinking your firm prefers a “Safe Choice” speaker, call Thom anyway and have a conversation.  (512) 970-0398.